Dismantling society's building blocks

Madam, - It was good of Peter Murray (November 19th) to remind us of Emily O'Reilly's yearning for some of the values of yesteryear…

Madam, - It was good of Peter Murray (November 19th) to remind us of Emily O'Reilly's yearning for some of the values of yesteryear and add in a few more of our current ills for good measure.

There were also echoes of the President's inauguration speech which carried the same message - namely, that we long for good relationships, but have to make so much money that we have no time for them!

In addition, we are in the throes of dismantling the two basic building blocks of society - the family and the Church. We now want the benefits of marriage without the challenges of rearing a family and the "till death do us part" bit.

We also want some of the values of the Church without the Christ who created them. Having failed to rise to the challenge of biblical values, we take the self-help route and help ourselves to whatever we fancy.


It's time to look again at these building blocks before the demolition is complete. - Yours, etc.,

GEORGE MORRISON, Hartwell, Kill, Co Kildare.