Deposit refund scheme

Sir, – The claim by the Irish Waste Management Association that kerbside recycling is successful is not borne out by reality ("Call to scrap refund plan for drinks containers", News, August 24th). This can be attested to by anyone who has land with road frontage or who walks near fishing spots, etc. The attitude seems to be, why have an untidy car when it has four windows?

A modest deposit of 20 cent would change this attitude. I have seen it work well in Germany, where shoppers begin their visit to the supermarket by recycling their bottles and getting a voucher in return. It will not affect the weight of my kerbside collection as I do not consume beverages that are sold in plastic bottles. However, if I start to see refundable bottles on the roadside, I would find it hard to pass them by. – Yours, etc,




Co Clare.