Debate on the EU constitution

Madam, - I was saddened, although regrettably not surprised, to read Dana Rosemary Scallon's article on the EU Constitution (…

Madam, - I was saddened, although regrettably not surprised, to read Dana Rosemary Scallon's article on the EU Constitution (Nov 1st). Once again, the former MEP attempted to mislead the public on the contents of the European Constitution and resorted to hysteria about the loss of Irish sovereignty.

Another misleading assertion by Ms Scallon is the notion that there has been, and will be, a lack of debate on the issues.

Perhaps Ms Scallon has chosen to forget about the existence of the Forum on Europe. As she should no doubt be aware, there have been ongoing comprehensive discussions and debate with the members of the Convention on the Future of Europe at the forum. There have also been several debates in the Dáil and Seanad in the run-up to the agreement on the EU Constitution negotiated by the Government as President of the EU last June.

Furthermore, the EU Affairs Committee of the Oireachtas held several meetings on each stage of the progress of the draft Constitution. Ms Scallon as an MEP was an ex officio member of this committee. However, she was the only MEP who failed to attend any of these meetings.


I believe it is disingenuous and opportunistic for Ms Scallon to now claim that there has been insufficient debate.

Indeed, in the coming months there will be public debates throughout the country on the new Constitution, and I invite Ms Scallon to use these to outline her reasons for opposing the treaty.

However, in the meantime it is surely premature of her to cry foul and claim that the debate will be rushed, when indeed the public debate and information campaign is just beginning. - Yours, etc.,

PAT CAREY TD, (Fianna Fáil and Member of the Forum of Europe), Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2.