Death of Yasser Arafat

Madam, - The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign commiserates with the Palestinian people and with their Delegate General in…

Madam, - The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign commiserates with the Palestinian people and with their Delegate General in Ireland, Ali Halimeh, on the death of their elected president, Yasser Arafat.

The process to elect a legitimate successor to President Arafat must now be facilitated by the international community. The Israelis and Americans must not be humoured in their desire to impose a quisling who will sell out the legitimate aspiration of the Palestinians to freedom and self-determination.

In particular, pressure must be put upon the Israelis to release Marwan Barghouti from prison. Seen by many as the only incorruptible figure with sufficient support to maintain Palestinian unity, Barghouti, an elected parliamentarian, was abducted by the Israelis and condemned to five life terms on trumped-up charges after a show trial.

If Western politicians are serious about their desire to see democracy in the Middle East, they must ensure that the Palestinians have a chance to demonstrate the true meaning of the word. - Yours, etc.,


RAYMOND DEANE, Chair, Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Dublin 1.