Cyclists and motor tax

Sir, – Perhaps you could refrain from publishing any letter which refers to “road tax”.

This colloquial term belies its nature, which is more accurately communicated by its actual name, motor tax.

Calling it road tax gives the impression that it is a beneficent levy on motorists that covers the cost of building and maintaining our public road infrastructure, for the good of all – motorists, bus passengers and cyclists alike. However, this is paid from general taxation – €1.3 billion according to the latest budget.

Motor tax is a charge to take a destructive and polluting vehicle on to the public roads, and it has raised far less than even €1 billion in any of the last five years. Far from motorists paying for our roads, their use is subsidised by all taxpayers. Please, no more talk of “road tax”. – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.