Confusing Covid travel rules

Sir, – According to Health Service Executive guidelines if I travel abroad, I must quarantine for 14 days on my return to Ireland, as well as produce a negative PCR test despite been double vaccinated. But if I get a further negative test after five days I am free to mingle.

However, if I am deemed a close contact because I sat beside someone on the plane who subsequently tests positive for Covid-19, I am a close contact but don’t need to isolate as a result of being double vaccinated. I’m confused. – Yours, etc,


Knocknacarra, Galway.


Sir, – I recently travelled to Spain on business. I arrived back in Ireland on Friday, July 2nd, following all the rules with a negative PCR test (at a cost of €99) and a completed locator form. I am also fully vaccinated. On July 3rd, I received a text message stating that I must self-quarantine for 14 days.

Is the vaccine useless? And why put me to the expense of a PCR test if it is going to be ignored?

As one who has followed all the rules for the last 18 months, I am fed up with this incompetence and mixed messaging.

I will not be self-quarantining unless I get a clear explanation for this stupidity.

– Yours, etc,


Dundrum, Dublin 16.