Common Travel Area rules

A chara, – I thank Pat Dignam (May 30th) for explaining the Common Travel Area. British and Irish citizens have the right to travel between the two countries without a passport but have to prove their entitlement to do so, by carrying their passport.

An Irish solution to an Irish problem? – Is mise,




Dublin 6.

Sir, – Although the CTA is referred as the “travel” area the rules allow not only for travel but also for citizens within the area to live and work anywhere in the area,to avail themselves of welfare services and to vote in most elections.

I am a UK citizen who has been visiting Ireland since 1973 and who now lives in this wonderful country. Absent UK membership of the EU, the CTA will enable citizens of both countries to continue to live and work anywhere in the area.

The CTA will therefore acquire very great significance for both countries after Brexit and must be preserved. – Yours, etc,



Co Leitrim.