College Green and traffic

Sir, – May I be one of the first to say well done to Dublin City Council chief executive Eoin Keegan and Brendan O'Brien of its traffic department for the timing of their proposal during a pandemic when nobody can get into the city to protest against banning cars from College Green ("Car bans and pedestrianised College Green part of radical Covid-19 plan to re-open Dublin", News, May 8th).

After all, the city is not for the citizens of Dublin; it is for the tourists. If they keep the cars out, then they can fit more tourists in safely. I wonder if these two gentlemen have thought of moving the council offices out of the city quays to either Finglas or Kilbarrack. This would instantly reduce the amount of cars the workers take into town. They could use the M50 to cross from south to north, avoiding the city altogether. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – During these difficult times, it is comforting to see some familiar reminders of more normal times.

I refer of course to your headline “College Green set for pedestrianisation”. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 8.