Climate emergency and political debate

A chara, – How can Ireland declare a climate emergency and not make it a central election issue? Over 3,000 signatures have been collected by online petition calling for a televised leaders’ debate on climate. There has never been a more important or urgent issue and, to quote Prof Barry McMullin of Dublin City University, “there can be no enduring solution to housing, healthcare, education, economic development, peace or justice unless there is a successful response to the climate crisis”.

It is eight months since the Dáil declared a climate emergency, and since then nothing substantial has been done in Ireland. We are failing the international community and failing our own society.

We desperately need to choose political leaders who understand the complexities of the issue, are motivated to ensure climate justice, and brave enough to legislate for the future of our children.

We need a televised leaders’ debate on this single issue so that the electorate can determine who is up to the job. – Yours, etc,


