Climate crisis – time for action

Sir, – When it comes to climate change, we are neither deniers nor doers. We publicly support the need for action, and privately believe it is the responsibility of others to take that action. We think our inaction is justified because we believe we are a special case. However, our excuse for inaction is pretty much the same as everyone else’s, although framed a little differently.

We say we are too small a country to have an impact on climate change, so what’s the point in making huge sacrifices to no avail? People in larger countries can say their county, or state, or city, or town is too small to make a difference, so what’s the point in doing anything? At the last resort, each and everyone of us can say what we are doing is to too small a thing to make a difference, so what’s the point in our changing? It’s not us; somebody else has to do it.

Each of us, acting individually, are not responsible for climate change; but all of us acting irresponsibly together are causing the planet to warm and the climate to change. If we could act responsibly together, rather than irresponsibility together, then this problem could be solved. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6W.