Chiropractic care is based on science

Sir, – Further to "Alternative therapies: putting chiropractic under the clinical spotlight" (Health + Family, May 14th), chiropractic is considered a profession, not a therapy. Chiropractors undergo a minimum four-year full-time university training.

Chiropractic continues to evolve and grow, committing itself to ongoing research in the field of health sciences. Care is based on research. The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC), which is in official relations with the World Health Organisation, is an excellent resource for the latest research.

The WHO recognises chiropractors as: “Primary healthcare providers safe to competently practice independently or as part of healthcare teams at a community level”. The HSE also acknowledges the benefits of chiropractic care for low back pain.

Chiropractic Association of Ireland (CAI) member Francesca Wuytack is conducting research on pelvic girdle pain at Trinity, a project supported by the European Chiropractors’ Union (ECU). CAI members maintain membership in the ECU and the World Federation of Chiropractic.


The Lancet, the most respected research journal in the world, has published three articles reviewing research which demonstrated the effectiveness of chiropractic interventions on lower back pain. They demonstrated chiropractic to be the treatment of choice for acute low back pain, over surgeries and some medicines, such as opioids. Chiropractic was also recommended for long-standing low back pain.

Chiropractors apply a holistic approach to care, and the primary goal is to restore health by restoring function, not simply eliminating symptoms. Chiropractors are trained extensively in “spinal adjustments”, which are designed to restore as much normal function to the spine as possible. We also advise on exercise, diet, lifestyle advice, and so on. The training of a chiropractor includes knowing when medical or other interventions are necessary.

The Chiropractic Association of Ireland sets high standards for members. Applicants are carefully vetted and must abide by our constitution and code of ethics. – Yours, etc,



Chiropractic Association

of Ireland,

Balbriggan, Co Dublin.