‘Celebrity SUV virtue waving’

Sir, – Thank you to Diarmaid Ferriter for highlighting the confusion and, dare I say it, humbug that riddles marketing and consumer behaviour in response to climate change and biodiversity mass extinction ("Can celebrity SUV virtue waving please cease?", Opinion, October 15th). People promoting green-veneer products speak of "small changes" we can all make – which happen to include buying their latest eco-whatsit before carrying on as you were. God forbid we'd be asked to consider big changes! Perhaps people should consider not consuming their way out of this? – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.


Sir, – I agree with Diarmaid Ferriter. You can find very little green-ness associated with most SUVs, be they plug-in or fossil-fuel powered.

Most of these SUVs carry the same number of passengers as a smaller car so I cannot understand, if you are not driving on rough terrains or fields, why you would need such a vehicle in the first place. Ireland is paying out millions of euro per year in carbon emissions credits and faces fines from the EU due to the failure to meet ongoing emissions targets. It is looking very doubtful Ireland will meet its 2030 targets based on current projections.

With private motor car transport contributing a significant share of Ireland’s carbon emissions, promoting and selling SUVs above other smaller cars needs to be questioned. SUVs are more polluting, even with the plug-in electric option. They are also heavier vehicles causing a higher level of wear and tear on our roads which means ever-more money needs to be spent on road repairs and maintenance.

More pollution means poorer air for people to breathe, which in turn leads to more problems and cost to society through public health issues caused by respiratory diseases.

In urban environments, having larger vehicles on the road also presents a higher safety risk to pedestrians and cyclists. – Yours, etc,


