Cannabis grow house and 1916

Sir, – The cannabis grow house discovery on Moore Street is really the final insult to 1916 relatives and campaigners who have for years past been calling for State intervention to protect and preserve what the National Museum describes as “the most important historic site in modern Irish history” (Home News, November 22nd).

The terrace of houses was the last headquarters of the provisional government and where five signatories to the Proclamation spent their last hours of freedom before execution.

The lack of respect for its status as a National Monument is shocking.

That the owners appear oblivious to what is happening in properties under their ownership and control is appalling and flies in the face of public pronouncements on their recognition of the historic importance of the battlefield area. The reconfigured Moore Street Advisory Group to Minister for Culture and Heritage Josepha Madigan has yet to meet to implement the recommendations of two agreed reports on the future protection of this site as an intact 1916 Historic Cultural Quarter.


The group must now continue its important work. Further delay is insulting to the memory of those who fought and died in our lanes of history. – Yours, etc,



Relatives of The Signatories

to The 1916 Proclamation,


Dublin 6.