Bus Connects and Dublin’s heritage

Sir, – The historic areas of Dublin’s more than thousand-year-old heritage are relatively small. The small Pembroke district has a worldwide reputation as part of a townscape of quality architectural and urban layout and should not be compromised. Pembroke Road is a main artery in the district and is divided on both sides into more than two hundred-year-old plots demarcated by a wonderful variety of Dublin-made iron railings from that era. These railings are as much a part of Dublin’s heritage as are the beautiful brick houses that they separate and protect.

Would any other European capital of Dublin’s quality entertain the possibility of the official destruction of its historic townscape? Visitors come to Dublin to experience the Georgian elegance, which this small district presents.

A rethink must start with an acknowledgement of what we have, how precious and unique it is, and how imperative it is that we pass it on to the future and hopefully more enlightened generations of Dubliners who will appreciate the wonder of their inheritance.

A rethink should recognise that travel times between a suburban university campus and the canal are not an issue. All urban interests should be included in coming to conclusions about the stewarding of traffic though this area, not just traffic engineers.


Remember they gave us the Clanbrassil Street scheme, which destroyed a whole area of the old town leading to the city’s medieval cathedrals.

The examples and experiences of historic European cities should be foremost in the deliberation of any rethink. – Yours, etc,


Urban Archaeologist,

Former Director

of the National Museum

of Ireland;



Dublin 4.