British citizenship in a new Ireland

A chara, – It is appropriate for the Taoiseach to reflect on the damage caused to relationships by the proposals for an RIC commemoration ("RIC controversy has set back bid for united Ireland, says Varadkar", News, January 8th).

Mr Varadkar claims to aspire to a united Ireland in his lifetime. Rather than reflect on the damage caused by a flawed form of remembrance, he could do more, and better, by his Government providing a forum where the implications of providing for the rights of a million British citizens in a new Ireland could be examined. This could use the Citizens’ Assembly or New Ireland Forum models to explore how we will provide for civic, cultural and identity rights. Among other matters, such a forum would examine how we provide for the civic right of British citizens born on the island to hold every public office, up to and including the office of president. There is a lot of work to do. Mr Varadkar has an opportunity to play his role in making sure we shape the next 100 years properly. He should take it. – Is mise,




Co Antrim.