Bloody Sunday

Sir, – It seems that most of the British soldiers responsible for the killings of 14 innocent people in Derry on Bloody Sunday in 1972 are to escape prosecution.

These victims and their families have had to endure the appalling indignity and lies of the Widgery report, which branded the victims as terrorists, and the incendiary remarks of the current Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Karen Bradley, who said that the killings by the British army and police during the Troubles were “not crimes”.

Despite Lord Saville’s conclusions on Bloody Sunday, acknowledged in full by former prime minister David Cameron who unambiguously exonerated those killed, no one was ever prosecuted for this massacre.

Lieut-Col Derek Wilford, the officer commanding the Parachute Regiment on Bloody Sunday, was awarded the OBE six months after the events of Bloody Sunday.


That this man continues to retain his award puts Lord Saville’s findings, Mr Cameron’s apology and Ms Bradley’s hostile remarks into perspective. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6W.