Blood donation and gay men

Sir, – Brian McMahon (Letters, July 2nd) is entirely correct in his assessment of the current policy banning sexually active gay and bisexual men donating blood in Ireland.

Right now, these men are prevented from performing their civic duty in 26 counties on this island, but if they travel to the other six counties, their blood donations will be welcomed if they’ve been sexually abstinent for the previous three months.

This gap between North and South is due to become even wider in September, when Northern Ireland will align its policy with Britain. The situation is ludicrous. There is no scientific or rational basis for the ban on blood donations from gay and bisexual men in this country.

We need a fair, safe and robust blood donation service, with policies based on science and evidence, not the current chaos, irrational fear and embedded institutional prejudice.


Donors need change. Patients need change. Ireland needs change. – Yours, etc,


East Wall,

Dublin 3.