Apollo House and homelessness

Sir, – I envy Una Mullally her certainties ("Home Sweet Home is the real 'new politics'", Opinion & Analysis, December 19th). She is absolutely convinced that the occupation of Apollo House was right, moral, courageous, and all other things virtuous. She compares those who organised this occupation with our politicians, praising the former while castigating the latter.

It may not have entered her pure mind that some of those who are to the forefront of Home Sweet Home may be harbouring their own political ambitions. – Yours, etc,




Co Tipperary.

Sir, – If and when one of the homeless persons being sheltered within the derelict Apollo House building on Tara Street is injured or worse due to the state of neglect of the building, I take it that the various celebrities and other members of the Home Sweet Home group will take responsibility for the cost of their medical care? Or will they instead expect the receivers, and ultimately the taxpayer, to foot the bill?

I think I know the answer! – Yours, etc,


Harolds Cross,

Dublin 6W.

Sir, – The actions of those involved with the Home Sweet Home group have certainly galvanised the attention of all of us on the plight of our homeless. But while I can see how many people can be excited by taking direct action to advance the cause of our most vulnerable, I do wonder if two wrongs do make a right. The lethargy of the Government on housing policy and the illegal occupation of a building are clearly not in the long-term interests of anyone. We all need to ensure that our homeless have access not simply to a short-term bed but meaningful engagement by housing and healthcare workers who can help them to rebuild their lives. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.

Sir, – May I suggest to Jim Sheridan and his fellow artists that they would be better served funding a housing co-operative and legally acquiring a property for the long term rather than organising this short-term intervention with Apollo House. Whose needs are really being met? – Yours, etc,




Sir, – The grandly named Apollo House – named after the Greek god of light, truth and yes, music – has as its only concession to classical Greek architectural influence the mock-Hellenic lettering on the car-park gate. That says it all! – Yours, etc,



Co Offaly.