Acupuncture and childbirth

Sir, – In relation to the article about acupuncture and pregnancy (Health + Family, March 14th), I began having acupuncture when I was five months pregnant once a week until I gave birth. I found it very calming and relaxing and it gave me time to be fully with my unborn baby. I have a very low pain threshold and my intention was to give birth by acupuncture. In 1991 the Coombe hospital was the only hospital in Dublin that allowed an acupuncturist attend the birth. I made a request to the Master of the hospital, and although he said that he didn’t think it would work, he gave his permission. Thankfully it worked. There is an acupuncture point on the little toe that speeds up contractions and the midwife was surprised when I wanted to push. My daughter was born three hours after the acupuncturist arrived and up to that point the labour had been very slow and extremely painful. And although it was still painful, I coped much better and was able to deliver my daughter drug free. – Yours, etc,


Raheny, Dublin 5.