Abortion alternatives

Sir, – “Abortion is not a billboard issue” according to a woman who contacted Ann Marie Hourihane (Opinion, June 18th…

Sir, – “Abortion is not a billboard issue” according to a woman who contacted Ann Marie Hourihane (Opinion, June 18th).

Perhaps she could inform us by what other means the facts regarding abortion can be published?  Certainly not in the mainstream media where the agenda is a softening up process to accept abortion.  How many journalists will admit that they are in favour of abortion?   How many programmes on radio and TV not alone have two to one in favour of abortion but the presenter also displays a leaning towards it?

We seem to learn nothing from the experience of other countries.   In Britain, which on paper has “limited abortion”, 200,000 abortions are carried out every year.

Even efforts to row back on the 24-week limit are thwarted.   Let us be under no illusion, then, but if abortion is introduced here, there is no turning back.


I cannot understand in this day and age how abortion can be seen as acceptable.  Every other assistance is available for those in crisis pregnancies, so the killing of the baby is unnecessary.   Why are the voices of those hurt by abortion not heard in the media but those who favour it are lauded?

Finally, where are the voices of the women’s groups on the widespread abortion of baby girls in China, India, etc, never mind the recently highlighted case of forced abortion at seven months? – Yours, etc,


