A disinformation war against Russia

Sir, – I would like to follow up briefly on the article by Simon Carswell, "Russians posted 'fake news' about Northern Ireland" (Home News, June 24th).

In some part our view has been reflected in the story, but now that it has been printed, the true nature of the Atlantic Council exercise in the “fake news” genre becomes even more evident. The murky picture of “forged emails” and “Facebook accounts” entirely lacking any discernible proof of Russian connection really does not deserve serious comment.

The apparent willingness of The Irish Times to promote highly questionable, even ludicrous “stories” about Russia unfortunately makes an otherwise respectable news organisation a mere tool in the disinformation war against Russia. Too bad for the Irish public. – Yours, etc,



Press-attaché of the

Embassy of the Russian

Federation in Ireland,

Rathgar, Dublin 14.