Madam, - Vincent Browne is again blaming others for not making his views the centre of all public debate (Opinion, October 25th).
He decries the fact that "the media will not be campaigning" on his issues in the next general election. He decries the "common sense" of most citizens.
I thought that election candidates campaigned in elections and the media reported this? Surely Mr Browne's Village magazine gives voice to the minority views that he espouses. The fact that most people don't buy such publications is not the fault of other media outlets but shows that Vincent Browne et al. have never convinced the wider public of the merits of their arguments.
May I respectfully suggest that Mr Browne and other whingeing crypto-communist malcontents put their money where their mouth is and get off their backsides and start campaigning in the next election as candidates?
Rather than waiting for others to do their bidding, they should campaign for their own views in the political sphere and maybe then they might understand that the "common sense" that the electorate possesses is not the product of sheep-like cretins but the considered view of mature adults whose life experience tells them that woolly-minded paternalistic socialism is a bankrupt philosophy.
At the very least Mr Browne should give us the opportunity to vote for or against his agenda. - Yours, etc,
JOHN DOYLE, Kingswood Heights, Tallaght, Dublin 24.