Subscriber OnlyLetters

Lebanon faces overwhelming crisis

Over 1.2 million people are seeking refuge from the conflict

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – The situation here in Lebanon is extremely concerning and getting worse each day. Frightening and sleepless nights due to frequent bombing are the new normal for everyone, including us humanitarian workers. It is terrifying to live in a city where anywhere can be attacked at any time. The country is witnessing its largest displacement crisis in history due to the ongoing conflict, with over 1.2 million people seeking refuge from the conflict.

The impact of the ongoing hostilities on displaced populations has been immense. Many have lost their homes and loved ones. They are exhausted. People hitchhike for days to try to reach safer locations elsewhere in the country. Hundreds of thousands of people are now camping and sleeping outside in the streets or in parks and on beaches.

People are in urgent need of shelters and also basic items like blankets, mattresses, pillows and soap.

More and more people are arriving each day after fleeing their homes. Many people are sleeping on floors with no mattresses.


Vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and newborn children require specialised support.

Concern are on the ground receiving and supporting as many families as we can, but there are huge gaps in the availability of critical services to respond to the increasing overcrowding.

The lack of resources will only get worse too as the conflict is further exacerbated.

I would like to call upon the Irish community who are known for their compassion and generosity to come forward in this hour of extreme hardship and support our appeal to help the families, children, elderly and everyone displaced in this crisis. – Yours, etc,


Concern Worldwide,

Lebanon Country Director,

