Subscriber OnlyLetters

Tents, fences and public spaces

A sorry sight

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – The Government has a long line of fences by the Grand Canal in Dublin to stop asylum-seekers sleeping there. Below Charlemont Bridge, the fences have been opened, and the tents are back. The fences are now used to support fly-sheets protecting the tents.

Apart from being ugly, the fences are a waste of money. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 8.

A chara, – At what point will the powers that be implement effective action that will result in the eradication of the eyesore that is tent city along the Grand Canal and the litter that comes with it.

We have seen our beautiful Georgian buildings disappear into the background and all we are left with is plastic tarpaulin in the foreground.

Enough is enough. Time for sustainable and enforced action. – Is mise,



Dublin 4.