Subscriber OnlyLetters

In praise of ‘junk mail’

Local entrepreneurial ecosystem

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott

Sir, – Further to “How to stop junk mail coming through your letterbox” (People, June 16th), I would like to offer a contrasting perspective. Two reasons drove me to commission a sign for my letterbox which reads “Junk mail only”. The first is that all other forms of post usually contain some dreary and often costly correspondence – statements, tax forms and bills. The second is my genuine curiosity about my local entrepreneurial ecosystem. I really want to know if there is a new gardening service, if there is a new local restaurant, if someone can professionally clean my gutters. I want to hear of special offers from local retailers. I want to know that estate agents think my house is worth selling.

I love the idea that so many people and organisations are commercially active and that perhaps I can boost their business.

Keep it coming (as long as it’s on recycled or recyclable paper). – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.