Sir, – Finn McRedmond repeats the canard that Michael Gove declared Britain “sick of experts” (“Worst impulses of populism won’t be quelled by numbers and data”, Opinion & Analysis, January 11th).
What he actually said (in a Sky News referendum debate available on YouTube) was, “I think that the people of this country have had enough of experts from organisations with acronyms saying they know what is best and getting it consistently wrong.”
By truncating his statement, you distort its meaning. – Yours, etc,
Ann Ingle: Deliberately going out of my way to move for no particular reason has never appealed to me
Gerry Thornley: How about an alternative look at Ireland’s Six Nations win over England?
Is Ireland anti-Semitic, an outlier of tolerance or in the middle ground?
How risky is it to buy a second-hand EV?
Gaoth Dobhair,
Co Dhún na nGall.