Sir, – In response to Margaret Gallagher’s letter (July 31st), I would like to reassure her that everything she needs to know about the art and architecture of McCormick’s seven churches can be found in my book Liam McCormick, Seven Donegal Churches which was launched at MacGill Summer School in 2011. In my research, some 15 years ago now, I was careful to attribute all extant artworks (alas, some were even then no longer in situ) and had the pleasure of meeting artists Helen Moloney, Nell Pollen, Patrick McElroy and Patrick Pye to discuss their collaboration with McCormick. The book was designed so that each church has its own individual guidebook but regrettably none of the churches were interested in taking up my offer of stock. Despite my best efforts (and lately Ms Gallagher’s) McCormick’s modernist gems do not receive the celebration and protection they so richly deserve. – Yours, etc,
(Past President,
Royal Institute of
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the Architects of Ireland),
Dublin 6.