Sir, – I am shocked to see the photograph of Oleksandr Hrekov in Saturday’s edition (“Violent attacks in Dublin”, News, July 1st).
As a citizen of Dublin, I can only apologise and offer my sympathy for the appalling suffering that he has had to endure.
Our streets are truly unsafe. It is high time that Drew Harris addressed the lack of Garda presence on the streets of our capital so that citizens and tourists alike, can walk about without the threat of violence in their midst. – Yours, etc,
Marty Morrissey gets an A+ in new football rules, even if some pundits aren’t yet sold
Breda O’Brien: Nicole Kidman’s Babygirl isn’t the ‘hottest film this year’. It might be among the most depressing
High noon for developer Paddy Kelly, who faces run-in with the sheriff over unpaid rent arrears
Pat Leahy: Angry Dáil scenes were partly the result of Sinn Féin’s determination to be a more aggressive Opposition
Dublin 5.