Now and then

Changing times

Sir,– When I was growing up, spring onions were called scallions; cookies were called biscuits; french fries were called chips; a piece of “crispy bacon’' was called a rasher; candy was called sweets; a latte was called coffee with milk; your uncle Mike was your uncle Mick; your Mum was your Ma; your Dad was your Da; a guy was exclusively a male; “brunch’' hadn’t been heard of; movies were called films; kids were called children; senior citizens were referred to affectionately as old-age pensioners; the head of human resources was called a personnel manager; a refuse collector was called a binman (an honourable occupation); your colleagues were called your workmates; a career was called a job; your salary was called your wages; a journalist was called a reporter; a concierge was called a porter; a maître d’hôtel was called a head waiter; a cycle lane was just a figment of Eamon Ryan’s fertile (and prescient!) imagination; and the Snickers chocolate bar was called a Marathon.

I could go on, but my supper is going cold! – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.