Young FG says party wrong on drink

Fine Gael's attempt to call time on binge-drinking by youths has run into problems with the party's party-loving junior wing, …

Fine Gael's attempt to call time on binge-drinking by youths has run into problems with the party's party-loving junior wing, Young Fine Gael.

The party's youth wing, who gather in Ennis this weekend for their annual conference, are expected to pass a motion criticising the policy.

In addition, Young Fine Gael wants the Government to reverse recent changes, including earlier pub closing on Thursday, and the ban on under-18s in pubs after 9 p.m.

"This motion is a direct contradiction of Fine Gael's recently stated policy proposals in relation to alcohol and young people," said Young Fine Gael's national president, Mr Gerry O'Connell.


Disputing the notion that the majority of Ireland's young binge drink, Mr O'Connell said: "There is a blame culture out there amongst the establishment, and the senior FG party is part of that."

Before the Government acted, Fine Gael TD, Mr John Deasy, said early closing hours should be brought back into force, while nightclubs and off-licences should face stronger curbs.

"John Deasy has taken a lot of flak over this from YFG because he would be one of the more popular members of the frontbench.

"You are going to hear stinging excoriation of both him and Enda Kenny at the conference," said Mr O'Connell.

"Young Fine Gael feel that the debate has shifted towards apportioning blame towards young people for the many consequences which flow from alcohol abuse which is unfair," he went on.

The conference motion, sponsored by St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, calls on the Government "to reverse the absolute prohibition of under 18s on licensed premises after 9 p.m., to restore late drinking hours Thursdays and to transform the efficiency of the National I.D. card scheme".

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times