‘Would you like a side of heroin with your Happy Meal?’

Employee of McDonald’s in US charged with selling drugs to customers

Police in Pittsburgh have arrested a McDonald’s staff member accused of dealing heroin to customers. File Photograph: Damon Winter/The New York Times
Police in Pittsburgh have arrested a McDonald’s staff member accused of dealing heroin to customers. File Photograph: Damon Winter/The New York Times

An employee of a US McDonald’s restaurant has been charged with selling heroin in child-oriented Happy Meals to customers using a coded request.

Customers at the Pittsburgh restaurant looking for heroin were instructed to go through the drive-through and say, “I’d like to order a toy,” said a spokesman for the District Attorney.

The customer would then drive to the window, hand over the money and get a Happy Meal box containing heroin in exchange.

Undercover agents set up a drug buy and arrested Shania Dennis (26).


Ms Dennis denied wrongdoing to reporters as she was being led away in handcuffs.

Authorities said they found 10 bags of heroin in a Happy Meal box and recovered another 50 bags from the suspect.