#DressLikeAWoman: Women respond online to Trump’s comments

Reports claim the US president told his female staff ‘to dress like women’

Krista Sayeau: #DressLikeAWoman, eh? You mean like this. Image: Twitter

A report that US president Donald Trump wants his female staff "to dress like women" has brought the president widespread derision online.

A source told the news website Axios that women working for the Mr Trump campaign felt pressured to wear dresses.

The claim is one of several about how the reality-star-turned-president expects his staff to present themselves.

Male employees "need to have a certain look", while, according to the report, Mr Trump was not impressed with the suit his press secretary, Sean Spicer, wore for his first briefing.


Mr Trump is also very particular about his tie preferences.

The source claimed: "You're always supposed to wear a tie. If it's not a Trump tie, you can get away with Brooks Brothers. But I'd suggest Armani. "

The only person who can get away without adhering to the dress code is said to be Mr Trump's dishevelled chief strategist, Steve Bannon.

The claims that Mr Trump expected his female staff members to wear stereotypically feminine attire drew ire on Twitter. Users responded with the hashtag #DressLikeAWoman.

Others responded with pictures of women at work, including politicians.

There were contributions from women who had served in the army, navy and healthcare professionals.

This is just the latest chapter in the tale of Mr Trump’s fraught relationship with women. During his campaign, many came forward to allege he had sexually assaulted them.

Millions took to the streets in protest the day after his inauguration.

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