Dallas gunman a loner who followed black militant groups

Micah Xavier Johnson sent home from Afghanistan after being accused of sexual harassment

Protesters run in fear as gunfire opens up during a 'Black Lives Matter' protest in Dallas, Texas. Video: Reuters

The Dallas gunman who shot dead five police officers had been sent home from Afghanistan after being accused of sexually harassing a female, and was described as a loner who followed black militant groups on social media.

Micah Xavier Johnson, who fatally shot five officers and wounded seven more before police killed him with a remote-controlled bomb on Friday, lived with family members in the blue-collar suburb of Mesquite in Texas, where he played basketball for hours at a time.

Friends there said the 25-year-old black man did not seem interested in politics, but his Facebook page suggests otherwise: He "liked" black militant groups including the African American Defence League and the New Black Panther Party, which was founded in Dallas.

His photo showed him wearing a dashiki and raising his fist over the words Black Power, and his cover shot carried the red, black and green Pan-African flag.


For six years starting in 2009, Johnson served in the army reserve as a private first class with a specialty in carpentry and masonry, the military said.

In May 2014, six months into his Afghanistan tour, he was accused of sexual harassment by a female soldier. The army sent him home, recommending an “other than honourable discharge”, said Bradford Glendening, the military lawyer who represented him.

That recommendation was “highly unusual”, Mr Glendening said, since counselling is usually ordered before more drastic steps are taken.

“In his case, it was apparently so egregious, it was not just the act itself,” Mr Glendening said. “I’m sure that this guy was the black sheep of his unit.”

According to a court filing, the victim said she wanted Johnson to “receive mental help”, while also seeking a protective order to keep him away from her and her family, wherever they went. Johnson was ordered to avoid all contact with her.

Mr Glendening said Johnson was set to be removed from the army in September 2014 because of the incident, but instead got an honourable discharge months later.

“Someone really screwed up,” Mr Glendening said. “But to my client’s benefit.”

When authorities searched Johnson’s home on Friday they found bomb-making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition and a personal journal of combat tactics.

Dallas police chief David O Brown said Johnson told negotiators before he was killed that he was acting alone and was unaffiliated with any group.

The chief said Johnson cited the fatal shootings of black men by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota, which prompted the protest march in Dallas and many other cities.

“The suspect said he was upset with white people and wanted to kill white people, especially white officers,” Mr Brown said.

Activists with Black Lives Matter, whose peaceful march police were guarding as he opened fire, repudiated the shootings, and it was not immediately clear if Johnson had any connection to the movement, which has disavowed violence.

But one of the groups Johnson “liked” on Facebook, the African American Defence League, posted a message earlier in the week encouraging violence against police in response to the killing in Louisiana.

"The Pig has shot and killed Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana! You and I know what we must do and I don't mean marching, making a lot of noise, or attending conventions. We must 'Rally The Troops!' It is time to visit Louisiana and hold a barbeque." The message was attributed to Dr Mauricelm-Lei Millere, a leader in the organisation.

Another group Johnson “liked” was the New Black Panther Party, whose leaders have “long expressed virulently anti-white and anti-Semitic opinions”, according to the Southern Poverty Law Centre.

Johnson also "liked" the Nation of Islam and the Black Riders Liberation Party, which the centre described as "hate groups".

Among Johnson's other social media likes were groups that focus on the history and accomplishments of African-Americans, such as Black Love Matters, the Nubian Rootz Cultural Centre, and I Love Black Archaeologist, a web series whose main character uses a time machine to visit famous black people.

The Dallas Police Department said Johnson's Facebook account also included information about Richard Griffin, also known as Professor Griff, who "embraces a radical form of Afrocentrism".

Johnson had no criminal history, according to authorities. Local court records show his parents were divorced in 1996.

He was believed to have shared a two-storey tan brick home in Mesquite with family members. He graduated from John Horn High School in Mesquite, where he was a reserve officers' training corps (ROTC) member, school district officials said.

Sharon Carter, who works in the district’s registrar’s office and lives near Johnson’s home, said she saw him occasionally wearing military fatigues as he left for army reservist training, but never saw him armed.

“They say he was standoffish in high school,” Ms Carter said. “I never really spoke to him. He kept to himself.”
