Scottish exit would leave UK ‘deeply diminished’ - Cameron

PM says seven months remain ‘to save most extraordinary country in history’

British prime minister David Cameron delivers a speech on the future of Scotland inside the Velodrome at the Olympic Park in London today. The Scottish people will vote on whether Scotland should become an independent nation on September 18th. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA.

David Cameron evoked his own family's Scottish heritage as he delivered a heartfelt plea for Scotland to remain part of the United Kingdom.

In his highest-profile intervention in the debate on Scottish independence, the prime minister warned that the world would lose “something very powerful and precious” if the UK’s “family of nations” broke up forever.

But Scotland’s first minister Alex Salmond accused Mr Cameron of making a “bogus” argument and repeated his challenge for the prime minister to agree to a head-to-head debate on the issue.

Mr Cameron called on the people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland to send a message to Scotland as it prepares to vote on September 18th: "We want you to stay."


Independence would be bad for Scotland but would also leave the United Kingdom “deeply diminished” and would “rip the rug from under our own reputation” in the world, Mr Cameron said.

He warned supporters of the union that they have only “seven months to save the most extraordinary country in history”.

Separation would not only cost the UK some of its economic, political and diplomatic “clout” in the world, but would also tear up an “intricate tapestry” of human connections and relationships which mean that “for millions of people, there is no contradiction in being proud of your Scottishness, Englishness and Britishness — sometimes all at once”.

Recalling that the name Cameron stems from the West Highlands, he said he was “proud” of his Scottish heritage and pointed out that the clan motto is “let us unite”.

Mr Cameron defended the decision to deliver the speech in London, arguing that he was making the case for the rest of the UK to speak out on the issue and stressed that he would soon be visiting Scotland along with the entire UK cabinet.

The prime minister has previously acknowledged that his image as a “Tory toff from the Home Counties” does not make him a good figurehead for the No campaign in the referendum debate.

But he said: “Frankly, I care far too much to stay out of it. This is personal.

“Our great United Kingdom - brave, brilliant, buccaneering, generous, tolerant, proud - this is our country. And we built it together. Brick by brick, Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, brick by brick.

“This is our home — and I could not bear to see that home torn apart. I love this country... And I will fight with all I have to keep us together.”

Mr Salmond accused Mr Cameron of being a member of an “out-of-touch Westminster elite” and insisted an independent Scotland would maintain close ties with the rest of the UK.

The SNP leader said: “This speech was a threadbare defence of the case for Westminster Tories retaining their undemocratic control over Scotland, which betrays the utter weakness of the prime minister’s case,” he said.

“David Cameron said he will ‘fight with all he has’ against Scotland’s independence — but that doesn’t extend to having a head-to-head debate on the subject.”

He said Mr Cameron’s appeal was to the people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland - but his government makes policy for of all of the UK, including Scotland, and he cannot keep dodging that debate.

“He has the perfect opportunity later this month when our respective cabinets are meeting in the Aberdeen area just a few miles apart on the same day, and I challenge him again to have that debate and let the people hear the arguments on each side.”