Bombs strike Sunni areas in Iraq killing 76

Toll represents deadliest day in eight months

People carry a victim at the site of a bomb attack in Baquba, about 50 km northeast of Baghdad, May 17, 2013. Two bombs exploded outside a Sunni Muslim mosque in the Iraqi city of Baquba as worshippers left after Friday prayers, killing at least 43 people in one of the deadliest attacks in a month-long surge in sectarian violence. Photograph: Stringer/Reuters

Bombs struck Sunni areas in Baghdad and surrounding areas today, killing at least 76 people in the deadliest day in Iraq in more than eight months, officials said.

The attacks in Baghdad and surrounding areas pushed the three-day Iraqi death toll to 130, including Shias at bus stops and outdoor markets in scenes reminiscent of the retaliatory attacks between the Islamic sects that pushed the country to the brink of civil war in 2006-2007.

Tensions have been intensifying since Sunnis began protesting what they say is mistreatment at the hands of the Shia-led government, including random detentions and neglect. The protests, which began in December, have largely been peaceful, but the number of attacks rose sharply after a deadly security crackdown on a Sunni protest camp in the country’s north on April 23rd.

The deadliest blast today struck worshippers as they were leaving the main Sunni mosque in Baquba, a former Sunni insurgent stronghold 35 miles northeast of Baghdad. Another explosion went off shortly afterwards as people gathered to help the wounded, leaving at least 41 dead and 56 wounded.