At least 34 killed in three bombings in Baghdad

Some 50 wounded in blasts hours before decade-old night curfew was to be lifted

The scene after a suicide bomber detonated explosives inside a restaurant in Baghdad al-Jadida on February 7th, 2015. Photograph: ABAH ARAR/AFP/Getty Images

At least 34 people were killed in three bombings around Baghdad on Saturday, police said.

The attacks came hours before the government was due to lift a long-standing night-time curfew on the capital.

At least 50 people were wounded in the blasts, officials said.

In the first attack, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive belt inside a restaurant in the Shia neighbourhood of New Baghdad, leaving 22 dead, police told Reuters.


In the second attack, two bombs ripped through the bustling Sharqa market district, killing 10 people.

In a third attack, a bomb killed two and wounded another seven in the Shia section of Abu Sheir in Baghdad’s Dura neighbourhood, police said.

The interior ministry spokesman Brigadier General Saad Maan said he did not believe the blasts were linked to the decision to lift the curfew.

The Iraqi government announced on Thursday that the decade-old curfew in the capital would end on Saturday at midnight and that four neighbourhoods would be “demilitarised”.

The moves are part of a campaign to normalise life in Iraq's war-blighted capital and to persuade residents that Baghdad no longer faces a threat from Islamic State, the militant group which seized large areas of northern and western Iraq last year.

Some form of curfew has been in place since the US-led invasion to topple Saddam Hussein in 2003.
