Political novice trounces PM in Slovak election

Philanthropist Andrej Kiska tops presidential poll as voters fear centre-left dominance

Slovakia’s presidential candidate Andrej Kiska reacts during a news conference at his party headquarters in Bratislava after the first unofficial results showed he won the presidential run-off elections. Photograph: David W Cerny/Reuters.
Slovakia’s presidential candidate Andrej Kiska reacts during a news conference at his party headquarters in Bratislava after the first unofficial results showed he won the presidential run-off elections. Photograph: David W Cerny/Reuters.

Philanthropist and former businessman Andrej Kiska trounced prime minister Robert Fico in Slovakia's presidential election as voters feared Mr Fico and his centre-left party would amass too much power.

Results from over 99 per cent of voting districts showed the politically unaffiliated Mr Kiska leading the centre-left prime minister by 59.4 per cent to 40.6 per cent.

Mr Kiska (51) rode a wave of anti-Fico sentiment among right-wing voters as well as distrust in mainstream political parties because of graft scandals and persistently high unemployment.

“In a little while, I will become the new president. I will be the president of all, I will stand behind every honest Slovak,” Mr Kiska told supporters at his campaign headquarters. “This is a great commitment.”


Mr Fico acknowledged defeat and congratulated Mr Kiska.

The wide margin of defeat was a blow to Mr Fico, but he will most likely keep his post as prime minister, which is more powerful than the presidency in the day-to-day running of the country, said political analyst Grigorij Meseznikov.

Mr Kiska made millions through consumer credit companies that he sold a decade ago, setting up a charity to help families with ill children.

Mr Fico and other critics say he is a political amateur with an uncertain political stance, who made money in the past on loans they said charged unfairly high rates of interest.

Mr Kiska denies that accusation, as well as Mr Fico’s allegations he had close links with people from the Church of Scientology, which critics in the mainly Catholic country see as a sect.

Voters feared a Fico victory would give his centre-left Smer party too much clout, said political analyst Samuel Abraham.

“This was not about Kiska, but about Fico and the danger that he would control of all the power positions,” he said.

Slovak voters had shown earlier they could unite behind an underdog. Outgoing president Ivan Gasparovic was elected for the first of his two five-year terms in 2004 because voters rallied against former authoritarian prime minister Vladimir Meciar.

Mr Kiska campaigned on the need to have a healthy balance of power between the president and the cabinet, and called for a strengthening of the independence of the judiciary where the president appoints important personnel.
