Who is friendly, funny and likes a drink?

As St Patrick's Day approaches, and our national saint is toasted, just what does 'Irishness' mean in 2008? Pedestrians on Dublin…

As St Patrick's Day approaches, and our national saint is toasted, just what does 'Irishness' mean in 2008? Pedestrians on Dublin's O'Connell Street give their answers, both good and bad

Andrew Mackin and Mark Rhudy, from Massachusetts

What does being Irish mean to you?Andrew: My grandfather is Irish, and I consider myself Irish, or at least part-Irish. I think a lot of being Irish has to do with religion. Mark: I unfortunately am not Irish but I feel that people here are very proud of their heritage and very family oriented.

What are the positive things about Ireland and the Irish?Andrew: So far, the Guinness has been a really good thing! I guess it's the spirit that comes along with being Irish - everyone's always very proud to be Irish.


What are the negative things about Ireland and the Irish?Andrew: I guess Irish people are stereotyped - the notion is that if you're Irish you're a drinker or you're loud. But that's the outsider's perspective!

Mark: I'm stereotyped with the same things sometimes as a college student, drunk and loud! I really can't see any bad stereotypes about being Irish - I'm kind of jealous!

Laura Ryan and Sarah Connolly, from Balbriggan

What does being Irish mean to you?Laura: Being Irish means being friendly, outgoing, liking the drink. Sarah: It means being chatty, having a good laugh, going out with your friends.

What are the positive things about Ireland and the Irish?Laura: When you're travelling to foreign countries, no one looks down on you because you're Irish. Sarah: When people find out you are from Ireland they're friendlier towards you, they welcome you into their community.

What are the negative things about Ireland and the Irish?Laura: The whole drink thing! Everyone thinks we're a bunch of drunks, that we've contributed nothing to society! Sarah: I don't like the whole concept of us being drunk. It's also very expensive compared to other countries.

Phyllis and Edward Lynch, originally from Dublin but now settled in Offaly

What does being Irish mean to you?Phyllis: I've a warm feeling about being Irish and I'm very happy to be Irish. Edward: We sort of set the standard for the rest of the world in terms of getting our independence, and I think a lot of people dismiss that, but after all we were one of the few countries in the world that was able to break away from colonialism and form our own independence and autonomy. So I see being Irish first of all as being independent.

What are the positive things about Ireland and the Irish?Phyllis: I know a lot of people complain that we're not very hospitable, but I think we're very hospitable people, I think we're a very warm and generous people.

What are the negative things about Ireland and the Irish?Phyllis: I don't feel there's anything negative to being Irish, really, although we haven't got a very good reputation in terms of drinking. On the whole, though, I think we're pretty good - it isn't a bad old place at all. Edward: I'd have to say there's a rural/urban divide. You don't get the same friendliness in the city now that you do in the country. In the cities, unfortunately everybody's in a rush now, and everybody's under pressure.

Samuel Weinstock, from Seattle, in Ireland with his band, Monday Trifecta

What does being Irish mean to you?An appreciation for music and family, and being warm and sheltered, that's my idea of being Irish.

What are the positive things about Ireland and the Irish?Generally, people are very friendly and very outgoing.

What are the negative things about Ireland and the Irish?It's cold! I'm from Seattle and we get a lot of rain, but we've just come from Italy so it's hard to acclimatise.

Brian Conaghan from Glasgow, living in Ireland since 2007

What does being Irish mean to you?The cultural stereotypes spring to mind, or cultural myths - the whole all-welcoming Irishness. Being Irish is synonymous with alcohol, but it's also synonymous with lots of smiles, fun and music.

What are the positive things about Ireland and the Irish?The friendliness, the welcoming nature of the Irish. I also find the Irish quite interesting people in the sense that they're interested in others, and they're warm.

What are the negative things about Ireland and the Irish?You haven't fully embraced the immigration that has happened in your country and it's widespread. I think also there's a certain amount of conservatism and self- preservation about the people. In Scotland we have a sense of collectivisation, whereas here it seems to be very divisive. Even in Dublin, it matters whether you're from the northside or the southside.

David Barry, from Dublin

What does being Irish mean to you?Being Irish is good! I like everything about it, the culture, the language. Being Irish means being cheerful, being friendly.

What are the positive things about Ireland and the Irish?The language is the best thing here. Also, we're happy people.

What are the negative things about Ireland and the Irish?The Irish stereotype that we're drunk all the time is bad, and it's definitely not true.

David Dvylaitis, from Lithuania, has been here for four years

What does being Irish mean to you?It's about acceptance. There are a lot of Irish people all around the world, they've all emigrated to America and Australia and are accepted all over the place.

What are the positive things about Ireland and the Irish?There are a lot of people who are friendly, but there are some that aren't friendly at all.

What are the negative things about Ireland and the Irish?There aren't that many negative things, but the worst is probably the weather! That's about it.

Lina Ramgolam, from Mauritius, living in Ireland for 2.5 years

What does being Irish mean to you?Well, Irish people are fun. They are nice people too, who like drinking!

What are the positive things about Ireland and the Irish?The people here are nice, they're very friendly as well, and really outgoing, which is good.

What are the negative things about Ireland and the Irish?Irish people really like drinking - but then, we like to drink a lot in Mauritius as well.