Warnings issued over party-crashing worm

A new computer bug that tries to fool users into clicking on party photos containing a virus-infected web link emerged today.

A new computer bug that tries to fool users into clicking on party photos containing a virus-infected web link emerged today.

The worm, called "MyParty", then spreads by infiltrating popular e-mail software Microsoft Windows Address Book and Outlook Express Database.

"My Party" arrives as an e-mail with the subject line, "new photos from my party!" and pretends to direct users to a website containing photographs of a friend's party.

A message in the body of the e-mail reads: "Hello! My party... It was absolutely amazing! I have attached my web page with new photos! If you can please make color prints of my photos. Thanks!"


If opened the worm sends a copy of itself to every contact in the Windows address book, although it does not appear to be causing any other damage to users’ computers.