Vintners voice support for Mayo Traveller ban

The Vintners Federation of Ireland has voiced its support for publicans in Westport, Co Mayo who are refusing to serve Travellers…

The Vintners Federation of Ireland has voiced its support for publicans in Westport, Co Mayo who are refusing to serve Travellers over alleged violence and intimidation.

The group said in a statement this evening that it fully supports the rights of its members to refuse to serve "any stranger with whose presence in their

bar, they or their staff or customers would feel fearful or intimidated by".

"They reserve the right to refuse any of those who are known to have caused violence or trouble, or those who are feared would cause violence or trouble or otherwise in interfering with the peaceful and orderly business of the house as required under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing laws.


"This has been going on for two years now, long before Westport. This cannot go on."

The VFI represents over 6,000 publicans outside Dublin. Its national executive will meet next week over the standoff.

Mr Willie O'Dea, Minister of State at the Department of Justice, said last Friday that a blanket ban on serving Travellers was illegal and would result in anarchy.

"Any publican who refuses to serve a member of the Travelling community simply because they are a member of the Travelling community is breaking the law and will leave themselves open to the appropriate sanction," he said.

However, Mr Tadg O'Sullivan, chief executive of VFI said: "The road to anarchy has already arrived."

He said it was anarchy when Travellers took over public houses and people's homes and businesses and intimidated them.

A spokesman for the Equality Authority said it was important that all sides hold talks in order to settle the dispute.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times