Very tight timescale - Ahern

The Taoiseach has stated that he would not "over-read" the latest message from the IRA ruling out decommissioning of arms.

The Taoiseach has stated that he would not "over-read" the latest message from the IRA ruling out decommissioning of arms.

Before leaving for Dublin on Saturday he said there was "a little more indication" they might get some movement to solve the difficulties over the Northern executive and North-South bodies today. The indication was "so little that I wouldn't like to build up any prospect. Now we are into a very tight time-scale".

Mr Ahern had further talks with the British Prime Minister, Mr Blair, at the EU summit. It would be Monday morning, he said, before they would get a clear steer on the state of the negotiations.

He believed the IRA's latest statement was a response to all the hyped articles and statements from various people during the week. "I wouldn't read anything more into it", he added.

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy was editor of The Irish Times from 2002 to 2011