Use of St John's Wort is backed by medical study

The Irish Medicines Board has declined to comment on new research indicating the herb St John's Wort, popular as a remedy for…

The Irish Medicines Board has declined to comment on new research indicating the herb St John's Wort, popular as a remedy for depression, is as effective as conventional drugs and has fewer side effects.

A report published in today's British Medical Journal says doctors should prescribe the herb as a "first choice" treatment for patients with mild to moderate depression.

On the IMB's recommendation, the Minister for Health banned over the counter sales of St John's Wort from January 1st last, citing concerns about potential side effects.

It remains effectively banned for most of its regular users in this State as it continues to be a "prescription-only" product, while doctors cannot prescribe it as it is not yet a licensed "medicine".


A spokesman for the IMB said it could not comment on the findings of a German study until it had read the research in full.

The study, of more than 300 patients, is the largest ever into the effects of St John's Wort.

Half the patients studied were treated with an extract of St John's Wort (hypericum perforatum) and half with the conventional anti-depressant, imipramine.

The researchers found the two treatments were "therapeutically equivalent", with patients in both groups rating similar improvements in their mild to moderate depression.

But patients taking the herbal extract were also more likely to have their feelings of anxiety dissipated than those taking the conventional drug.

And while 16 per cent of patients taking imipramine withdrew from the study because of side effects, only 3 per cent of those taking St John's Wort withdrew.

Almost two thirds of the conventionally-treated patients reported side effects, compared with 39 per cent of St John's Wort patients. Imipramine takers complained of dry mouths, sweating and dizziness, while those taking the herbal remedy "tolerated" the treatment much better.

Dr Helmut Woelk, author of the study, said: "In view of the mounting evidence of hypericum's comparable efficacy to other antidepressants and its safety record, hypericum should be considered for first-line treatment in mild to moderate depression, especially in the primary care setting."

Welcoming the findings, Mr Martin Murray, chairman of the Irish Health Trade Association, said the herb was seen as "very effective in the treatment of moderate to mild depression" by his members and they regretted the restrictions on its sale.

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times