US has failed to 'reward' Libya for weapons accord

LIBYA HAS not been sufficiently rewarded by the US for renouncing its programme to manufacture weapons of mass destruction in…

LIBYA HAS not been sufficiently rewarded by the US for renouncing its programme to manufacture weapons of mass destruction in 2003, a Libyan official has said.

“We believe we have not been awarded according to our moves,” said Libyan secretary for international co-operation Mohamed Sayala. “There must be more transfer of technology, there must be more help, especially in the civil use of the nuclear [energy]. There is a lot to be done here – scholarships, training.”

The US condemned the enthusiastic welcome received in Tripoli by the released Lockerbie bomber, Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, but it has not threatened punitive measures.

Mr Sayala said he had seen no signs that the anger in Washington would have a negative impact on the relationship.


Relations between Libya and Washington were only fully normalised at the beginning of this year when the first US ambassador to Libya in 36 years took up his post. It followed moves by Libya to pay the remaining tranche of compensation to the families of the Lockerbie bombing. – (Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009)