Three stabbed in Cork city

Gardaí yesterday ruled out any link between an incident in which three teenagers were stabbed and Junior Certificate celebrations…

Gardaí yesterday ruled out any link between an incident in which three teenagers were stabbed and Junior Certificate celebrations in Cork city centre on Wednesday night.

According to Insp Con Cadogan, gardaí have yet to interview the three injured teenagers, who are all in their late teens, about the stabbing incident at Merchant's Quay at around 11.20 p.m.

However, gardaí believe all three teenagers knew each other and that a row broke out in which two of them attacked the third and in the struggle all three received stab wounds.

One of the teenagers was stabbed in the chest and groin and taken to Cork University Hospital.


A second teenager was taken to the South Infirmary/Victoria Hospital for treatment for a stab wound to the leg. He was detained overnight but discharged yesterday morning.

The third teenager received a stab wound to the hand but wasn't hospitalised. Gardaí hope to interview all three later this week and prepare a file on the matter for the DPP.

Meanwhile, Insp Cadogan confirmed that gardaí arrested 10 Junior Cert students for being drunk and disorderly in Cork city on Wednesday night.

All 10 were taken to the Bridewell Garda station and held until their parents arrived.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times