Three firms to create 99 Midwest jobs

Three companies are to create 99 jobs in the Shannon Free Zone and Limerick city.

Three companies are to create 99 jobs in the Shannon Free Zone and Limerick city.

Mentor Graphics Ireland, a software development company said it will increase its existing workforce of 80 people in Shannon by 35. The company is a subsidiary of multinational Mentor Graphics, which employs 4,200 people worldwide.

A second company, Phoenix American Financial Services Ireland (PAFS) which provides accounting other back office business services the aircraft industry, is to increase its workforce by 15.

ON Semiconductors will create a further 49 new jobs with the development of a research and development facility at its factory in Raheen outside Limerick city.


The announcement was made by at the publication of the Shannon Development 2007 Annual Report in Shannon this morning.

Dr Vincent Cunnane, the newly appointed chief executive, Shannon Development, said he was delighted that global players had decided to expand their businesses at Shannon Free Zone.

He said the overriding aim of Shannon Development was to "make this region the place to live, work and enjoy, ensuring the highest quality of life, and a model for regional development that will deliver a better future for all."

The Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Ms Mary Coughlan Shannon Development had performed well in 2007 "despite a difficult operating environment".

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times