I would be uneasy about us following what I consider to be the political correctness of the United States. - Minister for the Environment Martin Cullen has misgivings over plans to ban smoking in pubs.
We don't believe that this is sustainable. - NCB stockbrokers says house prices are sure to fall.
He is a bit of an Arthur Daley character. - Rajni Shah, former accountant to Hemant Lakhani, the British national arrested in America and accused of supporting terrorists by importing an anti-aircraft missile capable of shooting down the US presidential jet.
I am not a terrorist, I am a translator cum newsreader. - Bhaskar Vohra, a newsreader on Indian state radio, who threatened to set fire to himself from a television tower unless he received a pay rise.
I wish I could be there but I'm in Australia filming a small arthouse movie called Episode Three. - Actor Ewan McGregor says he cannot attend the opening of the Edinburgh Film Festival because of commitments elsewhere.
These are people who have been displaced three or four times in the last few months, people who can fit everything they own into a plastic bag. - Charity worker David Tropp on conditions in the Liberian capital Monrovia.
I stop now because, above all else, you, the people, count. - Outgoing Liberian president Charles Taylor, who vowed to return "God Willing".
To the chicken languishing in a broiler shed, it's a living hell. - Animals rights activist Sean Gifford as this month's heatwave kills more than a million battery chickens across France and Britain.
Australia is a target because we are seen as part of the Zionist Christian conspiracy. - Dennis Richardson, chief of Australian security intelligence, says a terrorist attack on the country is inevitable.
Britain and America have very high standards of justice, and unfortunately the US is stepping away from them here. - Nicholas Lyell, former UK attorney general, on the fate of US military detainees in Guantanamo Bay.
Transformed a week before publication to make it sexier, a classic was the 45 minutes; most things in the dossier were double-sourced but that was single-sourced. - A note scribbled by Andrew Gilligan, BBC defence correspondent, during an interview with Dr David Kelly, the British government specialist who killed himself.
I ask you to join me in my prayer for the victims of this calamity and urge all of you to ask the Lord fervently to grant the thirsty Earth the coolness of rain. - Pope John Paul II.
It's a wonderful location and we'd like to develop it with that in mind. - Joe Moran, of Manor Park Homebuilders, which this week acquired the Abbeville estate of former Taoiseach Charles Haughey.