The change to QMV

Regulations concerning work by the self-employed (including such issues as mutual recognition of professional qualifications…

Regulations concerning work by the self-employed (including such issues as mutual recognition of professional qualifications).

Measures taken in the field of industry policy.

Environmental decisions not including "provisions primarily of a fiscal nature", measures significantly affecting town planning and land use, and the choice by a member states of their energy mix.

The statute of the European Parliament.


The financing of European political parties.

The rules of the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance.

The amendment of the EU's financial regulations.

From 2007 the allocation of Structural and Cohesion funds.

Economic and technical co-operation with third countries with the exception of association agreements and agreements relating to accession countries.

The summit appears likely to agree to transfer decision-making in the following treaty areas from unanimity to qualified majority voting:

Appointments of special representatives for foreign and security policy, of the Secretary and Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, members of the Court of Auditors, members of the Economic and Social Committee and of the Committee of the Regions.

Provision of emergency assistance to member states during sudden shortages because of exceptional circumstances or a natural disaster (within the constraints of the current budget).

Measures in the cultural field (excluding harmonisation of laws). [OBU] The external representation of the EU on trade issues, specifically services and intellectual property, with the exception of film and TV. (In other areas of trade the norm is QMV).