
"We are by no means moving to Canada

"We are by no means moving to Canada. We are quite happy right here in the US and we believe that we will ultimately prevail in court." - Microsoft company spokesman Jim Cullinan scotching rumours that the company was to up sticks and head north in the wake of the ruling to split the company in two.

"Microsoft, as it is presently organised and led, is unwilling to accept the notion that it broke the law." - US District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson announcing his decision.

"The government can take away what you have created if it proves to be too popular." - Bill Gates, unwilling to accept the notion that his company broke the law.

"This proposed break-up would not only cleave a creative team down the middle, but it would prevent those two halves from working together. It would essentially create a Berlin Wall between those two groups of people." - Democratic Representative, Jay Inslee, whose district includes Microsoft's headquarters, backing Bill.

Conor Pope

Conor Pope

Conor Pope is Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Pricewatch Editor