Taoiseach pays tribute to dead garda, fireman

The Taoiseach Bertie Ahern yesterday paid tribute to the two members of the emergency services who lost their lives while attending…

The Taoiseach Bertie Ahern yesterday paid tribute to the two members of the emergency services who lost their lives while attending the scene of a car crash in Co Limerick in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Mr Ahern said the deaths of Garda Brian Kelleher and Michael Liston, a member of the Foynes Fire Service, on the Foynes to Askeaton Road, highlighted the perils that emergency services workers face.

"It's a huge tragedy for their families and their communities and everybody involved, and today, it's for us just to remember them and show our respects to them," said Mr Ahern, prior to entering the church-State talks in Dublin yesterday.

The Minister for Justice Michael McDowell will attend the removal of Garda Kelleher in Croom tonight. A native of Upper Quartertown outside Mallow, Co Cork, he will be buried following requiem mass at noon tomorrow at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Dromin, near Bruree, where he lived with his family.


Parish priest, Fr Tony Mullins said the local community were rallying around to help Garda Kelleher's family cope with the terrible tragedy that had befallen them. "Brian's death came as a huge shock to his family and to the community here - people are gathering around but there's a real sense of sadness, particularly when you see such a young family left without their father and husband," said Fr Mullins.

The Minister for State at the Department of the Environment, Batt O'Keeffe, who has responsibility for the fire services within the department, will attend the funeral of fireman Michael Liston at St Senan's Church, Foynes, at 1pm tomorrow.

Mr O'Keeffe paid tribute to the men, who were killed when they were struck by a car as they helped with the clear-up operation of another road traffic collision.

Mr Listan's remains were brought to his home at Dernish Avenue, Foynes, yesterday afternoon. Among those who visited the family were Limerick county manager, Ned Gleeson. President Mary McAleese rang Limerick county fire chief, Carmel Kirby, to extend her sympathies.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times