Tallaght bus services return to normal

Dublin Bus services to west Tallaght will return to normal this evening after agreement was reached today in a dispute over violence…

Dublin Bus services to west Tallaght will return to normal this evening after agreement was reached today in a dispute over violence against drivers and passengers.

Gardaí, Dublin Bus management and drivers' unions reached a confidential agreement at a morning meeting. As a result the 50, 56A, 65B and 77 routes will serve their full route.

These buses had been terminating at Tallaght Shopping Centre after 6 p.m. since Monday last due to a reported renewed spate of anti-social behaviour on buses.

Union sources said the impetus for the agreement had come from Garda Commissioner Mr Pat Byrne.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times